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How To Start a Junk Removal Business

Writer: reuben ortizreuben ortiz

Updated: May 18, 2024

I have never been much of a writer let alone a blogger, so don't expect this blog post to emulate that of your high school English teachers writing. You found this blog post because you have taken the first couple of steps in starting a Junk Removal business. Whether the reason is because you love interacting with people and solving problems, or you just want to make some extra cash on the side. It doesn't really matter. I will be giving you some information I have learned along the way to help you get up and running.

Junk Rescue Pinellas unloading at Pinellas County landfill.
Junk Rescue at Pinellas County Landfill

From Dream to Junk Remover

You probably saw some YouTube video where a guy talked about "How to make $1000 in a day" doing junk removal. While that's cool in all its more than likely not going to happen to you while starting off. I'm not knocking those Junk hauler YouTube stars, but they also aren't new to the game. I started off with zero knowledge of junk removal and hauling but I have ran a couple of ecommerce businesses in the past. For a first-time business owner, I would suggest you contact a local junk removal company and ask to do a ride along to a couple different jobs. Even offer to work for free or to pay them for their time. This way you can see the logistical, operational, and field view of the business. An if you don't hate your life at the end of the day then maybe this is for you! Now during the planning phase, it can become overwhelming, we have a lot to do.

What Do I Need To Get Started?

  • LLC

  • Insurance

  • Website

  • social media

  • logo

  • uniform

  • Truck & trailer

  • Equipment

  • Marketing strategy


  • pricing sheet

  • professional email

  • business phone

Honestly each one of these bullet points deserves its own blog post, but that's for a later time. Don't let all the thing you need scare you, and if you find it to overwhelming then this probably isn't for you. The most challenging thing on that list will be creating your own website, and mostly because it is fairly time consuming. If you want a quick down and dirty answer to a quick start then truly all you need is a Truck. Most trucks account for only 2-3 cubic yards of space, but you can still hit the pavement and start snagging junk where your able to. Last thought for this blog post. YouTube is a great place for gathering information on getting started. You'll also see plenty of people selling their snack oil guru master class programs. Sure maybe you have $100's of dollars laying around to pay for one of those courses but the rest of us don't. As this series of post continues, I will fill you in on all the steps I took to get up and running and programs or companies I use or have used.

If you have any questions, you can reach me at

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